Jun 26Liked by Jamie McGarry

Hi Jamie,

I have not used social media for thirteen years. I use WhatsApp as a very few friends will only communicate with that due to Android / WhatsApp compatibility. I am a photographer and writer of poetry and novels. I have real life conversations with writing friends, meeting when we can. I use the post and email. I used social media for work as an editor and journalist. Like never wanting to be in an office again, I never want the unwelcome unreal noise of social media again.

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"The unwelcome unreal noise" – what a great turn of phrase.

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Hi Jamie

I took Cinnamon Press off all social media in August 2018. We had some authors who told us we were commiting suicide, but it made absolutely no difference to sales -- no loss at all -- and was so much better for our sanity and integrity -- there's a blog here -- https://janfortune.com/2019/01/18/how-to-trade-social-media-for-an-innovative-writing-life/ Go for it :)

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Thanks Jan. I wrote the word "congruence" down this week as it sprang into my head – something I've rarely considered, but worth aspiring to.

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Absolutely -- it's so easy to be sucked into things that are not congruent -- it's a good word to hold onto.

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If you don't want to do social media, then don't, but make it clear hat you don't so no scammers can pop up, claiming to be you. And do the occasional check to make sure as dormant accounts are sometimes acquired. Nobody should feel pressurised into posting so do what makes you comfortable.

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I think the more ppl who do media and comms in a way that’s comfortable for them, the better for everyone. It helps foster a wider range of options than the ‘compulsory x-twitter’ mindset ; and it’s good to direct time and energy onto promotional tasks that are if possible enjoyable and creative - or at least not abhorrent. I don’t think any ND (or other) person should feel pressure to use platforms they have an aversion to.

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I agree about the ways social media make us feel so much worse about ourselves, but I cannot currently think of another way of 'getting myself out there' as they say - and I would miss chatting to the few people who make me less lonely. I wish you much success with your press and with everything xxx

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I decided to cancel my FaceBook account recently after some nasty comments were posted about me. FaceBook has changed a lot since Meta control. At the moment I have turned to X - though not sure how long for. I use and am happy with WhatsApp.

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